B E A R  W I T N E S S

Est. 1996
Frequently Asked Questions
Call now for your free consultation.

1-877-PROOF-24/7  *  1-877-776-6324

A Professional California Firm * State Licensed PI #18755


What's the meaning behind
your company name?

Rather than calling our private investigation company something generic such as
ABC & Associates or XYZ Investigations,
we searched for a name that was
as unique and distinctive as
the service we provide. 

The action term bear witness
has two separate definitions: 
1) To provide evidence for; &
2) To give testimony in a court of law. 

We found this term clearly describes
what we do as private investigators. 
Therefore, in 1996, Bear Witness
was adopted as our legal company
name. We hope you enjoy it.


Can I keep my
investigation confidential?

Yes.  With us, all work will remain
strictly private, confidential, and legal.


Is your Detective Agency licensed
to perform investigative work?

Yes.  Our company is licensed
by the State of California to perform
private investigations. Our P.I. License
#18755 was established in 1996,
and remains current, active,
& in good-standing..


Can your private investigators
testify in court?

Yes.  When it is deemed necessary
by you and/or your attorney, we can
certainly provide you with expert witness testimony as to our investigation
and our findings.


Will a rookie or novice
be working on my case?

No.  We don't hire rookies.
Therefore, one will never touch your case. 
Our licensed private investigators are highly-trained and skilled.  Each has over 10 years
of dedicated and specialized investigative experience to better serve you.


Can you find an old friend,
former co-worker, ex-roommate,
past lover, etc?

Yes, we can.  However, restrictions apply. 
In an effort to protect innocent parties
from stalkers, we do not simply hand
over identifying information
such as
addresses or phone numbers
of the people you wish to contact. 

Instead, once we locate them for you,
our agency will make the first contact. 
The person will be advised that you
are trying to reconnect with them. 

If they so desire, they can authorize us
to release their contact information. 
Yet, if they do not wish to make any
contact with you (for whatever reason),
we will NOT release their information. 
Regardless of outcome, you'll still be
responsible for costs and fees incurred. 

For these personal locate cases,
there are no exceptions to our policy. 


Can you "tap" their phones
or "hack" into their accounts?

In today's modern society, it's hard
to believe these questions still arise.
The fast answer is: No hack & no tap. 

We'll not provide you with these
types of services as they are illegal. 
To be clear, we will not “hack”
into accounts of any kind to include
email, phone, text, messaging apps,
social media, credit card, banking, etc. 

Often, these requests come from
people looking for a "short-cut" to
some evidence of cheating & infidelity. 

Look, we get it. Seems like an easy
way to get some quick answers. 
But be smart & keep your emotions
in check.  Stay clear of illegal methods
like hacking & tapping that will only
land you in handcuffs & in federal prison. 
There are other ways to get you rock-solid evidence of cheating - particularly through
surveillance which is completely legal.


How do I pick a P.I.?

Some people look for a cheap PI
only to later regret that choice.

Let's face it...it's not everyday
that you'll need a PI.  But when
the time comes, you'll probably
want to hire a pretty good one. 

To help, we give you free insider
tips and openly discuss what to
look for & what to watch out for -
before hiring any private investigator.

Visit our
Tips For Hiring a P.I. Section.


I want to have someone followed. 
How do I get my case started? 

Our agency has a low minimum which
often starts at 4 consecutive hours per day
for Surveillance assignments.  As far as the maximum amount of hours is concerned,
we can provide 24 hour/around-the-clock
service if needed.

Everything is custom-tailored to fit
your exact needs. Our experienced private investigators can quickly help you determine
a strategic and useful plan for your case
and budget.  We recommend that you
contact us to discuss your specific needs. 

For more detailed information on this,
please visit our
Get Started page.
Copyright © Bear Witness 1996. All Rights Reserved.