B E A R  W I T N E S S

Est. 1996
Our Privacy Policy
Call now for your free consultation.

1-877-PROOF-24/7  *  1-877-776-6324

A Professional California Firm * State Licensed PI #18755

At Bear Witness, privacy comes standard with every case we touch. 

We'll never discuss, divulge, or share any actual case videos, photographs, client information, investigative strategies, methods of operation, details, reports, trade secrets, or confidential sources with any outside 3rd parties, or media outlets of any kind.

Upon completion of your investigation or assignment, the evidence file will be turned over directly to you or your law firm. All other information will be destroyed for security purposes.       

The work we do for you is strictly private and confidential.  And that is exactly how it will remain. 

Our No-Press Policy
If you are a member of a press or media outlet and seek interviews or opinions regarding our private case files, we will NOT oblige.

Our general response to a press inquiry is ”No Comment” or “No thank you”.  However, if you persist in wanting a real juicy story (one that is filled with imagination, amazement, and wonder), do not act too surprised if you end up with a real Fairy Tale on your hands.  

There are plenty of private investigation companies out there who salivate at the chance to talk about their cases to the press & to the public.  However, we just aren't one of them.

"Clients enjoy the highest levels of integrity & loyalty from our firm".  James Gonzalez, President
Copyright © Bear Witness 1996. All Rights Reserved.