B E A R  W I T N E S S

Est. 1996
Top 20
Signs & Symptoms
of a Cheater
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A Professional California Firm * State Licensed PI #18755


01.  Increase in working hours, meetings, trips

02.  Change in normal activity (home late, etc)

03.  Overly possessive with phone, computer

04.  Phone set to silent/vibrate/off - near you

05.  Weird calls, hang-ups, text messages

06.  Strange numbers on phone, phone bills

07.  Changes or restricts access to accounts

08.  Uses excuses & lies about whereabouts

09.  Increased concern about appearance

10.  Stops wearing wedding ring

11.  Decrease in sex life with you

12.  Lipstick, perfume, scents, or stains

13.  Emotionally distant towards you

14.  Complains, argues, picks trivial fights

15.  Unusual card charges, cash withdrawals

16.  Restless at home, makes excuse to leave

17.  Added mileage on car odometer

18.  Says “I think I need some space”, etc.

19.  Find new birth control items, stimulants

20.  Different taste in music, food, sex, etc. 
Copyright © Bear Witness 1996. All Rights Reserved.