B E A R  W I T N E S S

Est. 1996
Tip #3
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1-877-PROOF-24/7  *  1-877-776-6324

A Professional California Firm * State Licensed PI #18755


Ensure investigator is not already selling out clients for publicity or you could be the next victim of a media-thirsty P.I.

This topic relates to your privacy, and the privacy of your case matter.  Though most people expect that their casework will remain strictly private and confidential, that is simply not always the case.

In one breath, some investigators claim to be completely confidential.  In the next, they are busy sharing actual case details with the public.

Sounds insane...we know.  But you can see them for yourself clearly plastered in magazines, newspapers, YouTube, local and national TV News channels, advertisements, or any other social media or public venues they can get their hands on.  At that point, it all becomes public & stays public.  Anyone can then view it and watch all of your private case details unfold.  

Would you ever want your case video or photos broadcasted on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, local news, or some silly T.V. talk show? 

Many of you have very private and personal concerns & seek quality help with maximum discretion not more exposure & added complications! 

At Bear Witness, we protect our client's trust at all cost.  And at no additional cost to you.

“Most of our clients are smart & savvy.  They get it.  They realize that you cannot put a price tag on trust…. because it is never for sale.  There's only one way to get it, and that's to earn it.  We earn it, and we protect it.  Our clients love us for it.  And we love them back.” 
                          James Gonzalez, President

To summarize this privacy issue, either a private investigator is completely protecting your right to privacy or they are not.  It's that simple.  If you truly care about your privacy, look at what they do, not what they say...for their actions alone will speak volumes of their ethics and intent.  Select private investigators that are crystal clear on this issue, or your case could be “AS SEEN ON TV”.  The choice is yours.  It always has been.

Thank you for reading.  We do hope that you have found our Tips article to be informative and educational.  Now you can confidently go out and hire the best private investigator for your needs.

Closing Considerations

A little known fact is that there are over 40 different areas of practice in the field of Private Investigations.  Most P.I. agencies conduct “general investigations”, which basically means "a little of this, and a little of that".

Bear Witness is different in that we specialize and excel in a particular area.  We are surveillance experts.  For us, surveillance operations comprise nearly 95% of the work we do.  Our experience & skills are proven.  We are honest, trustworthy, & loyal.  And you can rest assured that your privacy is always protected. 

  Tested, proven, & selected since 1996 

If surveillance is what you need, and the subject of your investigation lives, works, or plays in California, then there is no question and no doubt, we are the agency for you.  Thank you for considering Bear Witness for your private investigation needs.  Contact our office today if we can be of any further assistance to you.
Copyright © Bear Witness 1996. All Rights Reserved.